

How can content be used?

Content in a digital setting refers to the words and images used online to engage desired visitors, customers, or users of a website or application. If the words and images resonate with (meet the needs of) these stakeholders there is a high probability that these stakeholders will positively engage with a proposition. Therefore when creating content online whether a web page, a blog post, a social post, a podcast, it is important to understand the search language used (keywords) and create assets that mirror that language and meet the stakeholder needs.

VEN is designed to let users explore stakeholder needs, choose words, language and topics that resonate. Once users have a clear understanding VEN also supports actual content generation via artificial intelligence to provide inspiration / suggestion.

Generate with AI

To use 'Generate with AI' you'll need to curate your 'My Keywords' list at first. If you haven't done that yet, check this out and come back here later.

If you have already curated your 'My Keywords' list, follow the steps below to generate content based on those keywords using AI.

Step 1

Go to your project

New project card

Step 2

Open the Content dropdown on the top left

Content Dropdown Menu

Step 3

Click 'Generate with AI'

Generate content with AI

Step 4

A new window will pop up with 1 input. Describe what you want to write about like the example shown below.


Important Note: Make sure your input relates to your project topic and your 'My Keywords' list. Otherwise, the tool will not allow you to generate content.

Generate content with AI modal

Step 5

Click 'Generate' and after a few seconds you should see your AI generated content.

Generate content with AI modal button

View history

To view previously generated content, you can go through the content history. Follow the steps below to do that.

Step 1

Go to your project

New project card

Step 2

Open the Content dropdown on the top left

Content Dropdown Menu

Step 3

Click 'History'

View Content History

Step 4

A window will pop up with all your previous AI content generations for this project.

Click on one to expand it and show its contents.

Content History Modal