

To be able to use your data in creative ways, we've added an export feature to each project in VEN. You can export your project data in multiple ways and formats, so read through the documentation below to understand what each one is.

There are 3 different subsections under the Export dropdown:

  • All Keywords - Export all of your project's data including keywords, targets, volumes and scores.

  • My Keywords - Export your 'My Keywords' list.

  • AI Content - Export all of the AI content you have generated for your project to make it easier for you to send to someone.

Export dropdown options

All Keywords

Export all of your project's data including keywords, targets, volumes and scores.

Step 1

Go to your project

New project card

Step 2

Open the Export dropdown on the top right

Export Dropdown Menu

Step 3

You have 2 options for exporting All Keywords:

  1. XLSX (Excel) - Export it as a .xlsx file (Most people know it as an Excel file)

  2. PDF - Export it as a .pdf file

After you decide which file format you want, just click on the appropriate option and the file download should start shortly.

Export All Keywords

My Keywords

Export your 'My Keywords' list.


Important Note: To be able to export your 'My Keywords' list, you have to make sure to add important or relevant keywords to your 'My Keywords' list.

Step 1

Go to your project

New project card

Step 2

Open the Export dropdown on the top right

Export Dropdown Menu

Step 3

Click the 'PDF' option under 'My Keywords' and a file should start downloading shortly.

Export My Keywords

AI Content

Export all of the AI content you have generated for your project to make it easier for you to send to someone.

Step 1

Go to your project

New project card

Step 2

Open the Export dropdown on the top right

Export Dropdown Menu

Step 3

Click the 'PDF' option under 'AI Content' and a file should start downloading shortly.


Important Note: To be able to export your AI Content, you have to make sure to generate some content with AI.

Export My Keywords