Create a Project

Create a Project

Creating projects is a very simple 5-step process, which requires 3 inputs from you; the project name and the project topic.

  • Name - Any name of your liking, ideally something unique and recognisable so that you don't get lost after you've created multiple projects.

  • Topic or Website - The topic of your project defines the initial keywords and targets that will be automatically fetched. Instead of a topic, you can also use a website, and we'll fetch the keywords relating to that website's content.

  • Region - Choose the region of your project. Currently, our options are: Global, Canada, United Kingdom and United States.

  • Description (Optional) - Use this to describe the project for future reference.

Step 1

Click the 'New Project' button on the top left of the home page.

New Project button

Step 2

Using a Topic

Enter Project Information

Enter the project name, topic, region, and optionally, a description. Click 'Next'

Creating a new project page

Refine Topic

Use the pie chart and table provided to decide which topics you want to use and select them. After selecting your topics, click 'Next' to create your project.

Choosing project subtopics

Using a Website

Enter the project name, website, region, and optionally, a description. Click 'Next' to create your project.

Creating a new project page

Step 3

Congrats! Your new project should now be visible on the home page.

New project card