

What are Keywords?

Keywords should be looked at as expressed customer need. Keywords are generated as a result of people's search activity online. Search engines like Google aggregate online search behaviour to provide an picture of the level of interest shown for a particular topic. These keywords and the associated monthly/yearly volumes allow for informed decision making based on the true number of people searching for a particular topic of interest. The highest volumes denote the most popular / common searches, and the lower volume keywords still related to that topic highlight less common and or less popular searches.

Users have 3 options for adding new keywords using the Keyword dropdown menu on the Project page.

  • Generate more - Use our algorithm to generate more keywords based on your topic.

  • Generate with AI - Use Artificial Intelligence to generate keywords by referencing your project topic and the current list of keywords in your project.

You can also delete unwanted keywords or add important ones to your 'My Keywords' list for later use.

Generate more

We would recommend starting with this at first to generate more relevant keywords to your project. Keywords generated using this option will be keywords that people are searching.

Step 1

Go to your project

New project card

Step 2

Open the Keywords dropdown on the top left

Keyword Dropdown Menu

Step 3

Click 'Generate more'

Generate more keywords

Step 4

Enter the topic of your choice and click 'Generate'.

Generate more keywords modal

Step 5

Wait a few seconds for VEN to generate and fetch the new set of keywords

Generate with AI

Another way to generate keywords is using our AI functionality. This will use your project topic and the already generated keywords in your project, feed them to an AI algorithm and generate more keywords in a clever and unique way. Keywords generated using this option will have the robot icon next to them.

Step 1

Go to your project

New project card

Step 2

Open the Keywords dropdown on the top left

Keyword Dropdown Menu

Step 3

Click 'Generate with AI'

Generate keywords with AI

Step 4

Wait a few seconds for VEN to generate and fetch the new set of AI-generated keywords


Step 1

Go to your project

New project card

Step 2

Hover over the keyword you want to delete.

Keyword Hover

Step 3

Click the Trash can icon next to the keyword to delete it.

Keyword Delete button

My Keywords

'My Keywords' are a selection of keywords you can curate that are the most important or relevant to your project. These keywords will be used in a few places, for example, when generating content with AI.

To start adding keywords to your 'My Keywords' list follow the steps below.

Step 1

Go to your project

New project card

Step 2

Click on the star icon next to each keyword you want to be added to your 'My Keywords' list.

Keywords included in your 'My Keywords' list will have a slightly darker background in your project table.

Add keyword to My Keywords

Step 3

To only view keywords in your 'My Keywords' list, click on the 'My Keywords' button on the top left of the table.

View My Keywords

Step 4

To remove a keyword from your 'My Keywords' list, just click on the star icon next to it.

Keyword Analysis

If you'd like some help or inspiration about a specific keyword, you can use our Keyword Analysis feature to get a better understanding. Our Keyword Analysis feature gives you inspiration on what questions might have been asked that relate to that keyword/phrase, and who might have asked those questions.

This is a really helpful feature when trying to understand your audience and why they were interested in this topic in the first place.

You can find instructions on how to use the Keyword Analysis feature below.

Step 1

Go to your project

New project card

Step 2

Click on the question mark (?) on the right side of the keyword you want to analyse.

Keyword analysis button

Step 3

After it loads, you'll see a pop up showing you the questions that could have been asked to lead to this keyword. To explore more, click on each question to expand it.

Keyword analysis pop up